Bedtime for the Last time with 6 year old Crosby

This is going to be one of those random and short blogs — really just for me.

Today is December 20, 2019; the day before Crosby’s seventh birthday. Korey had a ladies only Christmas party to go to so I had the kids after I got home from one of my first days at AWS.

Crosby had built a fort out of some chairs, boxes, the recycling bin and pillows and insisted that we eat dinner in it. Being the big kid that am, I obliged and we sat together on the base of the stairs in his fort.

Carlyn was reluctant to eat any of her chicken nuggets because she just got in her head that she wanted to eat mac and cheese and only that. Finally she came around when she realized that she was going to miss out on sock game.

(You guessed it — Sock game came next)

We set up the bouncy castle and fired it up so that the kids could steal my socks, tease me with them relentlessly, climb on my back, try to knock me over, and of course — run around the house trying to get away from me as I chased them. They still think that’s one of the funniest things and the world, and who am I to judge? I love chasing after them and having them try to wrestle me to the groung in the bouncy castle too. I don’t know how long these days will last, so I don’t want to be the one cutting them short.

After that, I gave them a bath and we settled in for books. Both of their reading abilities have grown significantly in the last 6 months. You can really tell a difference with Carlyn especially since she’s been going to ELE. Crosby is one of the best readers in his class as well.

Then there was bedtime which was ultimately what triggered me to write this in the first place. Carlyn was virtually falling asleep on my shoulder as Crosby was finishing reading, so I basically just carried her to bed and went to cuddle with him.

Despite being pretty late, he was still going at his usual 100 miles per hour. As we were laying there, he was telling me about his village in Minecraft. It had an iron gate with one of four buttons and when you pushed one of them it opened. And the village had a 2×2 mine in it.

And then there was the thing that still makes me smile just thinking about it. He started telling me something else, and then literally just stopped mid-sentence and was asleep curled up next to me.

Maybe it’s the pending birthday that makes me wonder how much longer he’s going to want to curl up next to Dad. Perhaps it was something random. But I know regardless of the reason, this is something that I’ll think back on and smile about many years from now.

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